Not All Paths Are the Same – Member HH Review with Cory “MJ23STYLEz” Waaland (Part 4)
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MORE IN THIS SERIES : Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8

5 Responses to “Not All Paths Are the Same – Member HH Review with Cory “MJ23STYLEz” Waaland (Part 4)”

  1. 888ash888

    thx again Corey, Love the explanation for value betting amount at 19 minute mark. My question is what if I have notes on the villain that he likes to see a showdown/is a calling station. Can/should I adjust for that style of player or do we stick t the system

  2. MJ23STYLEz

    not sure what “system” you speak of but to answer your question, yes. You should always try to adjust to your opponents before they can adjust to you but at the same time don’t level yourself. Sometimes just taking a straight forward line is best.

  3. 888ash888

    “system” is not the right word, not sure how to explain, maybe I am trying to ask if it Ok to try get extra value if I have a read on a Villain as a calling station or is it not worth it. You are definitely showing us a flexible , in depth style of play/way of thinking. I would never insult you and say you are showing us a system, that is for beginners

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