Tournament Poker Edge is home to some of the best poker training videos in the industry. Started back in 2010, this site has more longevity to most of the other sites in the market. Using that experience, we’ve created a multitude of poker training videos that players find extremely effective and enjoyable. Here are the various types of poker training videos we offer.
Hand History Reviews
Hand History Reviews are poker training videos in which one of our pros looks over the hands he played in a tournament. The purpose is explain his in game thought process so that you know what things you should be thinking about when you play. Occasionally these pros are unsure in close spots, so a hand history review gives them an opportunity to run their plays through various pieces of analytical software to see if they made a mistake and help you to avoid doing the same.
Live Sweats
Live Sweats are poker training videos in which the pro simply records his screen while playing and talking through his decisions. This allows you to be a “fly on the wall” and look over the shoulder of an expert as they navigate through poker tournaments. One advantage this has over other poker training video formats is that you can watch the pro play multiple tables and discuss many different concepts. This allows you to see how they handle inevitable bad beats and shows you how you should work on your mental game.

Replay Reviews
Replay Reviews are done using the “hole cards up” final table replays you can get from big poker sites after the conclusion of events in their big tournament series. This is an amazing study tool. You get to see all the hole cards on every hand from some of the best players in the world as well as how they take advantage of fun players who were fortunate enough to make the final table with them. This is extremely valuable in and of itself, but having a TPE pro review the final table replay for you in a poker training video to point out the things that you should be looking for makes the whole experience that much better.
Sticking It To The Man
The Sticking It To The Man series is a very popular type of poker training video created by Tournament Poker Edge. In it, one of the owners records himself playing a tournament with his in game thoughts and then sends the video to one or more of the pros who then proceed to mercilessly tear apart his game. This is all in jest and it is a funny way to get an honest assessment of rookie mistakes that you may be making as well. This is a rare opportunity because these guys are way too nice to be this brutally honest with someone they do not know, but they have no problem with ripping into the TPE owners.
Stop And Go
Stop And Go poker training videos are another creation of Tournament Poker Edge where instead of analyzing an entire hand history, one of the pros dissects a single hand. The advantage of this approach is that you can learn a new poker concept in 5 minutes or less. This is great for those who do not have a ton of time or patience to devote to poker training. Stop and Go videos allow you to hone in on your specific leak whether it is preflop hand selection or handling river check raises with various parts of your range.
Theory Videos
One of the more effective types of poker training you can get is Theory videos. These are great because like Stop And Go videos, they are focused on just one concept, but they go more in depth on the topic in order to deepen the level of your learning. Studies show that this approach is the best way to achieve mastery of a subject in the shortest amount of time. TPE has some of the most highly acclaimed Theory videos on the market.
Take a look around the Tournament Poker Edge video training site and see what we have to offer. Be sure to at least check out each video type, but I suspect that you will eventually find the one that works best for you. When you do, poker study will not feel so tedious and your results will likely flourish once you start to look forward to putting in the work away from the tables.