Merge $60/$3.5k Win by Marc “aznAllin007” Alioto (Part 2)
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10 Responses to “Merge $60/$3.5k Win by Marc “aznAllin007” Alioto (Part 2)”

  1. terbet11

    Just love the content and commentary! “tool equity” was probably my favorite. Looking forward to more. I play on Lock as well and would love to see some live low to mid stake sweats. I am sure my other fellow US players would like to see it as well. Happy New Year!!

  2. marc alioto

    This is def. something I am adjusting to. I come from a DON background where you never want kj to reship on your ace 9. Im learning that I need to induce more in my mtt game and 6 max game. Happy you pointed this out, and I agree 100% that raise calling is super profitable in this spot.

  3. exitonlykk

    great running commentary.
    Are you from a HU SNG background or 6/9 mans more? The kind of content i find most valuable is the stuff to do with gameflow (ie i’d 3 bet bluff here because…) The other thing I’d like to hear more of is how you narrow your opponents range postflop (including analysing stats, images, bet sizes and timing), and why you took the line you did.
    keep up the fearless aggression late!

  4. marc alioto

    I suck at HU sitngoes so that should answer that. I def. hae a 9 man background as i grinded 9 men non turbos on FT and stars for years. Im just adjusting to the different ranges in 6 max and it has been a grueling (and fcking expensive) process. I will be doing a live vid soon, so you will see more postflop thought processes and how i use the HUD to come up with the best decisiions. glgllglg

  5. marc alioto

    noted, but remember Im just getting the hang of mtts (somewhat) so ranging opponents takes time. I feel i have mastered short stack play but its playing deeper where i sometimes feel lost

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