Progressive and Regular Knockout Live Sweat with Matthew “theginger45” Hunt (Part 3)
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MORE IN THIS SERIES : Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7

4 Responses to “Progressive and Regular Knockout Live Sweat with Matthew “theginger45” Hunt (Part 3)”

  1. MovieFX

    Maybe it is just me but the audio is out of sync. I tried playing via the web player as well as downloading. The first two parts were fine for me.

  2. JMR72

    This is good Matt, I was thinking of making time to follow a pro on Twitch as well as watching TPE videos & trying to actually play Poker (& attend my day job). How do I go about registering to your Twitch stream, is their a cost?

  3. theginger45

    Hey guys, WRT the audio I’m not sure what the issue is, maybe RonFezBuddy who edits and uploads the videos can answer. The original recording itself was fine, I think.

    As far as Twitch goes, I’ve been having technical issues getting the stream up to scratch with high enough quality video and audio. At the moment there is no Twitch stream of mine, but I’m looking into ways to get one up and running. Once it happens, there won’t be a cost.

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