Poker Maximus Live Sweat with Daryl “aaaaaaaa” Jace (Part 1)
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MORE IN THIS SERIES : Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5

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7 Responses to “Poker Maximus Live Sweat with Daryl “aaaaaaaa” Jace (Part 1)”

  1. FloppedBackdoorTrips

    lol everytime I watch a Daryl Jace video, he talks sh*t about one of the best players on Merge. In the Sunday major series it was FishTankHero, and on this one its flawlessbinkage. hahaha

  2. aaaaaaaaa

    Made this video a long time ago but your not the 1st person to say i berated players so I’ll take your word for it. I apoligize if i berated anyone in these videos and its not something I condone. I try to be respectful to people while i’m at the table and pretty much always am. Sometimes when i’m making a video tho I forget that the people i’m berating could possibly be watching it.

    I know u wasnt complaining about it but I don’t wanna have the image as someone who is disrespectful to players cuz i think its kinda douchey. In the future i’ll do much better when alayzing players games or complaining.

  3. FloppedBackdoorTrips

    Haha, no wasn’t complaining, and I didn’t think they were low blows or anything. I just thought it was a funny trend.

    Enjoying your videos 🙂

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