bigdogpckt5s Lock Super Turbo Heads-Up Live Sweat (Part 1)
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8 Responses to “bigdogpckt5s Lock Super Turbo Heads-Up Live Sweat (Part 1)”

  1. brooksea

    Great video Dog! I have been +EV in the lower stakes turbo HU on Lock, but I have not tried the Superturbos yet. It was great to see your strategy. If you are playing the regular turbos I would love to see a session- I am wondering to what degree, if any, you are altering your strategy in the slightly slower structure. GL in Vegas!

  2. kiwifish

    Big dog; I signed up and deposited on Lock when it was first mentioned on P
    TPE podcast. Can you get me on the VIP thing you mentioned on the video?

    Great video by the way. I have also shipped three of the Stars $3 R since your videos. thanks.

  3. hawkeyeK9

    We all will run bad in these sometimes. How many can you lose in a row where it is still acceptable to keep playing knowing it will turn around? Opposed to how many to lose in a row before snap quit due to a horrible day?

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