Brendooor’s Premiere Series – Midstakes Live (Part 6)
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MORE IN THIS SERIES : Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5

Concepts In This Video:

6 Responses to “Brendooor’s Premiere Series – Midstakes Live (Part 6)”

  1. GaryLQ

    I’m sure Brendon is going to be a great video instructor. His commentary is very informative and easy to follow and I look forward to future content.

    Unfortunately this series didn’t really prove too useful for reasons that weren’t Brendons fault. He ran pretty badly and there other hinderances like the opponents repeatedly stalling, obviously the technical issues didn’t help either.

    Hopefully the next live sweat will go a bit better and the interuptions in the recording will be fixed.

  2. badabing78

    id love to see a hhreview series from brendooor, there he would not have the problem of too much downtime. gl with future videos

  3. black666

    @GaryLQ: what are you talking about? I didn’t notice any technical issues .. also, how does running bad have any effect on the usefulness of the video? once you make the best play possible, the outcome doesn’t matter anymore. as soon as brendon busted a tourney, he loaded up another one.

    imo it was one of the top3 video series on this site

  4. xtremeungar

    Brendooor great series overall.. Loved your analysis in all hands and the discussion about ranges and possibilities that you offered in the different situations. One suggestion on the technical side (Ive seen bigdog doing this often) whenever a hand of relevance comes about would be nice if u made that table bigger for us to be able to see stack sizes and bet sizes clearer… is kinda hard even at full screen.. this was my only inconvenience…. Thanks a lot

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