Cory “MJ23STYLEz” Waaland Premiere Video – Maximus Main Event Win Early Stages HH Review (Part 2)
[Total: 22    Average: 7.2/5]

MORE IN THIS SERIES : Part 1 | Part 3 | Part 4

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16 Responses to “Cory “MJ23STYLEz” Waaland Premiere Video – Maximus Main Event Win Early Stages HH Review (Part 2)”

  1. shutEMdown

    i like the btn 33 limp. ive been experimenting with limping in LP during antes in certain spots. it used to be called passive and fishy, but whatever….if you know what your plan is, i think its certainly profitable.

  2. ttwist

    hey ShutEMdown,

    ive reviewed the first 5 parts of the series and did notice a small echo in this part and assure you that rest are perfect the echo was a bit worse pre editing and we got it cleaned up the best we could, sorry for any problems this has caused. great series tho this guy is doing things that others only wish they had the nerve to try and the results are pouring in, i hope you enjoy the rest of the series.

  3. shutEMdown

    yea its all good. I just noticed the slight difference between part 1 and part 2. no biggie…just had to turn my headphones up lol.

  4. shutEMdown

    also, dont know why I cant rate videos. not to side track the discussion here but for whatever reason I cant rate ANY videos. Id like to give some stars yea boyeeeee.

  5. MJ23STYLEz

    Sorry about that bud. I’m still a newb when it comes to making vids but the rest of the series shouldn’t have any issues. The first couple i made were a learning process lol

  6. MJ23STYLEz

    Yuppp, exactly! Those close minded people who think its fishy and aren’t willing to think outside the box are the ones that love to give us all the chippies 😉

  7. 888ash888

    Corey says at the start that this is his first video- adinsta u should cut Corey some slack. What did u think of his content and coaching style? For my mind Corey is brilliant, one of the best coaches etc

  8. lukky_lefty

    Great vids so far! I’ve learned tons already. Guessing I didn’t see you on the private coaching page b/c your’re relatively new. Do you do any coaching? I reallly like your style of play and am looking to take my game to the next level.

  9. MJ23STYLEz

    thanks bud! I’ve asked them a couple times to put me on the coaching page but guess I’m not people usually just contact me via twitter (@wildwAAland) and/or just message me via TPE or personal email

    -I can def help ya take it to the next level! online or live

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