14 Responses to “Cougars Takes Down the Stars 10c”

  1. raiseology

    i think your really gonna help low-mid stakes players because high stakes strategy doesnt as work well at low stakes imo. Your game seems very sound which great vs average-bad players

  2. ATrainBoston

    I like the video. Not only some good information, but it’s fast; I like not showing the hands you fold. Your speaking style is good, you stay on point and you are not boring. Sometimes it’s good to see an entire deep-stack tourney win in just 3 simple episodes as opposed to being dragged out over 5-7 parts. Thumbs up from em.

  3. matt57225

    I really like how you go through each hand UNTIL you fold so you can explain why you folded certain hands etc.. I would like to see this in every hand history review rather than just knowing u folded and moving to next hand

  4. Metasploit

    Love how he skips through the hands manually instead of letting each hand play out with the play button. Much rather this style of hh review / video. It’s faster, and you get through the videos quicker. I much prefer a 3 part video vs an 8 part video anyday.

    ATrainBoston and matt57225 hit the nail right on the head with their comments.

    Great job Cougars4444

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