Cougars4444 Member Hand History Review for Insidiously (Part 1)
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5 Responses to “Cougars4444 Member Hand History Review for Insidiously (Part 1)”

  1. FloppedBackdoorTrips

    That KK spot is so awkward…both options suck, really. But knowing how the Merge major plays I wouldn’t want to flat there, personally. People aren’t playing aggressively enough

  2. DaNta5tiC

    Cougars makes a great point though, He is talking about setting up the shorter stacks for an ” iso ” if the stacks behind him weren’t so shallow then you 3 bet there.. He is just giving an idea to pay attention to the stacks to act.

  3. rivermen123

    On the A4cc hand around 22:00 on the Q62r flop I prefer betting about 500 into 1770 (opponent has 2250 left) rather than half potting or shoving. I think a small bet gets the job done against a weak tight straightforward opponent like that guy. I just don’t think he’s putting us to a decision by bluffraising very often. I’d just go 525/fold. I think he has a lot of pocket pairs in his range, and there’s a chance he doesn’t fold them to a shove. Would rather risk the smallest amount possible here. If he does call the 525, there are a lot of turn cards you can shove to fold out his small pairs.

  4. farmingdemcrops

    just wondering at 13:20, whats the point of leading out when you have flopped top 2 pair? wouldn’t u wanna check/induce a bet for more value or something and maybe check raise a blank on the turn

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