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going on tilt
April 30, 2010 - 11:45 am
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basically in my prevois thread i mentioned that I do around 5 tables at a time. My biggest weakness is that If i get a bad beat on one of those tables, I go on tilt and it effects the rest of my tables.


How do you guys control tilt and what would you suggest for me to help not effect the rst of the tables i am playing in

April 30, 2010 - 11:56 am
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Making money is pretty hard when you’re on tilt.  Money is a pretty big factor in playing poker… which also correlates to your success in moving up.  If you’re tilting all the time, you’re just going to lose money and never move up.  Why let tilt affect your play?  Just ask yourself if you made the correct play, and if you did, move on.  Maybe get a stress reliever like a tension ball.

April 30, 2010 - 12:58 pm
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I mean this is a tough one. I tilt about as hard as anyone I know. I have broken more monitors then I care to speak of. Just last week i through my $4000 laptop out the window. Litterally through it out the window.  So I have no answers. So if someone does have the answer please share it with me.

April 30, 2010 - 1:56 pm
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I used to go on tilt all the time when i got sucked out on or whatever and like you, it would affect my play on the other tables i was running.  I dont know if this will help, but i came to realize that bad beats are going to happen due to the sucky phenomena known as variance.  As long as you are making the right plays then there is no reason to go on tilt, cause when you start running true you will run deep and hopefully ship a few tourneys.  Also you can take solace knowing that the donk that just sucked out on you with his terrible play will more than likely spew off all his chips and not run the tourney deep anyways.  Hope that helps a bit. 

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April 30, 2010 - 1:59 pm
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Hagbard is on the road but I once read a post from him on another message board that was the best thoughts on tilting I have read.  Hopefully when he arrives at his destination he can dig it up and post excerpts here.


The synopsis of it was that you need to look at poker as if it were your profession – and compare it to other professions.  When a stock goes sour does a trader immediately dump his other stocks?  No, of course not.  Each tourney/hand is just an event in a long series of events that you are participating in to increase wealth. The outcome of one should in no way influence the outcome of others. 


Obviously we are all human and can’t act so logically all the time but I think keeping that in mind will help you recover more quickly from a bad beat.


In addition, if you’re playing a few tables at one time that means you still have several tables in which to work out a deep run.  And quite simply you just can’t win if you are trying to lose.  Shake it off – or your just not being professional.

April 30, 2010 - 2:52 pm
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i love the responses so far. The whole talk about profession really puts a new angle on how we can all look at poker. All sports have their bad swings and I guess the better you are at controlling it, the more long term success you will have.


Some people have told me that they do yoga./meditation so during the downsings they can use what they have learnt to keep their composure and not get lost in their rage. Looking at poker as a profession was an excelent way of helping me understand how to control tilt.


Thanks guys


April 30, 2010 - 3:47 pm
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The best to deal with tilt for me is to minimize my screen once I have completed my action.  This way, I don’t see beats as they happen.  If the screen comes up that I’ve finished the tournament, I tell myself I’ve run into AA again and to just move on.


It seems silly, but I don’t get frustrated when I use this approach.  I’ve never thrown anything… and I haven’t raised my voice in years.  It’s def worth trying 😉

Hagbard Celine
May 1, 2010 - 3:38 am
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i consider myslef to be pretty tilt-free and plan on writing an article on tilt because for me my ability to steer clear of tilt is a result of how i view the world in general and try to approach life.


but as it’s almost 4am and i want to sleep i’m going to keep this post short.


basically it’s like diego’s analogy to the trader: tilting out of a tournament is the epitome of being unprofessional. letting something–anything–affect your equity in a tournament is completely unacceptable if you really want to make money and be anything but a recreational player.


anyway, that’s all for now. it’s a great question, though, and i look forward to having a more in-depth discussion about this later.

Hagbard Celine
May 1, 2010 - 10:19 am
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i found that old post:


great to see you seeing areas in your life/game that need work and then working on it. also one of the most important aspects of a winning player. toss the ego out the window because it can be the end of you. tilt is unacceptable if you want to be a winning player, or to make a living at it. tilting out a tourney because something bad happened in a different tourney is the epitome of being unprofessional. you are taking your equity and setting it on fire for no good reason. i can’t tell you how many tournaments i’ve made top 3 just keeping my cool and 1-tabling at the end of a shitty night, but i can say that they include a 45k score and an 18k score.


like i said–and i’m paraphrasing this from some 2p2er–as a professional poker player (especially an mmter), you will run worse than you ever thought possible. period. even pikapraider thinks he runs bad. so the more you can do to not think in terms of results on any sort of short-term basis is work worth doing.

someone once told me that any personality flaw you have, be it impatience, pride, jealousy, etc, will eventually show itself at the table. i truly believe that and from that it follows that in order to master this game one first must be a master of themselves. now, that’s a tall order, but worth working on not just for your bottom line but for your life. if you really work on it you start to see that life can be experienced in countless ways. it’s in how we experience moments that we have real agency in our lives.

it’s never easy, and not something that can be accomplished in a short period of time–if ever. but that should be relieving and remembered at times we fail so that we pick ourselves back up and keep trying as opposed to getting down on ourselves.

May 1, 2010 - 10:52 am
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bigdogpckt5s said:

I mean this is a tough one. I tilt about as hard as anyone I know. I have broken more monitors then I care to speak of. Just last week i through my $4000 laptop out the window. Litterally through it out the window.  So I have no answers. So if someone does have the answer please share it with me.


LOL, I could really use a $4000 laptop.  I might set up one of the castle jumpy things outside your window to catch those.

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