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Can we have a TPE Nation Thread?
Atlanta, Ga
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December 29, 2012 - 6:39 pm
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Can we have a TPE Nation Thread for random thoughts and just community discussion about anything that does fit into one of the other threads?

For example, I just had a thought that might be original and I just wanna run it across the Nation to see if im crazy or not, but it's not a HH that you typically see in Strategy.


Here is my thought.

Say you have QJ and raise. You get 3 callers and the flop comes Kxx. If anyone had AK, they'll likely raise. The most likely Ks they have that could call 2 streets would be KQ and KJ, but you have blockers to those hands. So I think you should double barrel most turns to get smaller Ks to fold. I typically will cbet here and then fold if I didnt improve on the turn. It never occurred to me that a lot of villains will float here with air and even the ones with weak Ks (more combos of these thanks to our blockers) will have a hard time calling another barrel. Using this same logic, having QJ on a KQx flop would be stronger than it looks on the surface as well.

Is this common knowledge or just plain crazy?

Would something like this go in the Strategy thread or the Off Topic thread, etc.?

If not, we need a thread for non HH random poker discussion.

Cary, NC

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December 30, 2012 - 9:00 am
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I think that can def go in strategy.  No reason that strategy has to be JUST for hand histories.

Playing The Prelims
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December 30, 2012 - 6:26 pm
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strats fine for that, the problem is that if you are percieved as being capable of double barreling, your range gets thinner on the turn, there is a good chance AK flats flop if it flatted preflop, and hands like KQ KJ arent going to fold turn very often, what we are really looking to fold out are the 2nd pair hands, its also worth noting how much potential to imporove our hand has when barrelling

Grinding Micros
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December 31, 2012 - 11:36 am
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This is sensible. We have the blockers to KQ and KJ and we would expect AK to raise pre, so it is a good spot to apply pressure – sound logic.


That said, I have in the past been guilty of levelling myself only for them to flip the Kx or a passively played AK!

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