Hagbard Celine Multi-Entry Double GTD Live Sweat (Part 1)
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11 Responses to “Hagbard Celine Multi-Entry Double GTD Live Sweat (Part 1)”

  1. cracksniper

    I am having trouble watching these videos tell me how to do it, I’m on wifi now but when I press the arrow on the screen nothing happens. I’ve asked this before but I’m not getting anywhere. At the top right hand it says download this video but I don’t want to save it I just want to watch it for heavens sake? The screens gone black for 20mins surely something should have happened by now

  2. RonFezBuddy

    Please see the post I made in the forum in response to your question. You may not have the right plugin. Viewing videos requires the flash plugin and I posted a link there to the latest version.

  3. RonFezBuddy

    Hey Meta, the WMV was rendered in HD just the other HD vids. I think that because the 4 tables are tiled, rather than overlapped the numbers are just smaller than usual and not as sharp when rendered as larger tables usually are.

  4. Kennabot

    There was a lot of dead time, and some of the hands you have little to no analysis. I would prefer you talk about what you are thinking as the hand is being played. Live sweats are kind of boring so maybe when nothing is going on you could talk about your general strategy given your stack or table dynamics whatever. Overall I enjoyed it, keep it up.

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