Jeff “Hurricane Jeff” Romano Premiere Series Live Sweat (Part 2)
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6 Responses to “Jeff “Hurricane Jeff” Romano Premiere Series Live Sweat (Part 2)”

  1. jamesquinnw

    Do you think Ziggy might’ve folded to a river bet with the appearance of a value bet? It seems like he was following the same line of reasoning as you: it’s the bubble, this b-hole has me covered, he’s shoving the river because he knows I have to fold. He obviously inferred you’d rarely if ever do it for value and made what was probably a reasonable call. I think it would’ve been kind of difficult for him to justify folding there assuming his thought process was going beyond just freaking out over the bubble and his tourney life. He’d have to reason that you know he knows you’d never shove for value in that spot, and that you could be using that perception to get him to justify calling your nut hand with some weak holding.

    Awesome part 2, looking forward to the next installment!

  2. hurricanejeff

    I talked to him in later tournaments and he told me he thinks I am the most agro player he has ever played against…so knowing that now it was a bad play but, I do that play alot in lower stakes tourneys and vs stacks like his it works A TON of the time. I think plays like this are very outside the box and are inherently player dependent. I clearly had the wrong read on him so it wasn’t +EV, so in the future I’ll just shove like that for value on him and own his soul 🙂

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