5 Responses to “Matthew “theginger45” Hunt Reviews Bennymacca’s Live Sweat Recording (Part 1)”

  1. bennymacca

    Hey Matt,

    Thanks for doing this vid, I really appreciate it.

    Couple of comments
    JJ and KK early on – 100% agree with both of these hands. I was trying to imagine what sizing I would make that JJ hand, and I cringed when i made it that small. The only think i can think of is i wasnt paying attention as much as i should have because i just fired up the recorder. Similarly just calling with the KK instead of reshoving.

    A comment on my stats – splitting the 3bet stats up to in position and out of position is great, I think i will be changing my hud to reflect that. similarly for the open from position instead of steal stats.

    the Donk bet % stat is pretty much specific to 888. I have just found that lots of people on that side just love to do it!

    Comment on my notes:
    In my commentary i explain that i usually colour code based on sharkscope winnings.
    Red (good reg) are players that are similar or better than me, in terms of winnings,
    Pink (sicko) are players that have 100k+ in profit or are name pros,
    orange (micro reg) are usually players that have breakeven-ish or slightly winning stats at my stakes or typically lower,
    regfish (light blue) – someine that has played thousands of games that is losing.

    green (fish) – i take your point about the different types of fish, but you can always just look at the HUD stats to see what type of fish they are. Before this video I have added in a “nit” tag too which tags the tight fish instead of the loose fish, which is a player type that i wasnt really actively tagging much. so i agree with your comments in that regard.

    at 50:15 you ask whether I am raising the KJ for value – the answer is yes, and it is also probably the worst hand i do raise for value like this. I think a fish calls with a whole bunch of worse broadways, all of which we have great equity against.

    Looking forward to the rest of the parts!

  2. jamo

    36.39 – You say that it would be pretty bad to fold AQo to a 4bet in the top right table as it’s just too strong, but doesn’t this rely on our opponents being capable of jamming AJ and worse? If I’m honest I’ve never understood the correct dynamic and thought process for 3b calling it off with AQo. Would you be able to explain it in a bit more detail and convince me that it’s a good play? Is it good as our opponents would expect us to 3b a wider than premium range so they think they can get us off our hands by 4b jamming and therefore we are way ahead of their 4b light range, making it an easy call? Great video, thanks in advance.

  3. theginger45

    Thanks for the input Benny, all good feedback. Definitely some useful insights in there like the donkbet stat being useful on 888 – some sites definitely have more players with a tendency like this.

  4. nonsimplesimon

    regarding your note-pad analysis at 40:00 on the AQ I was wondering if you were using FLOPZILLA? It was a very nice analysis.

  5. theginger45

    In essence what it relates to is that the perception of our 3bet bluffing range as wide in certain spots widens the villain’s 4bet shoving range, which in turn improves our equity against said range. And once our equity gets to a certain threshold, it would be -EV to fold. In the hand in question, if we the villain 4bet shoved over our 3bet, there’d be about 17k in the pot and it’d be 11k or so for us to call, which means we’d need just under 40% equity against his range – even if he were only shoving 66+ AJs+ AQo+, we’d still have enough, and that would be a very tight 4bet shove range. It may be okay to fold it vs some villains but against anyone with an understanding of how to play that stack size, a hand like AQo or 99 is very hard not to 3bet/call in that spot.

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