Mike “goleafsgoeh” Leah Mixed Games Overview (Part 4)
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4 Responses to “Mike “goleafsgoeh” Leah Mixed Games Overview (Part 4)”

  1. FocusedMotion

    Kinda sick spot with A-2-3 starting hand pairing paring twice. Considering his board I think you should always bet the 5th since he can never raise you with his board and how dangerous your board looks. Once you check, it looks like you announced that you paired. At that point he would have to bet his two pair (a least once) to win, he obviously bets his 87 too.

  2. FocusedMotion

    If you are check calling there it’s best to bet it yourself considering your chips stack and your board and three-betting in 3. He could have folded if he was paired but then you would have left with no chips. At that point any one of us would bet-bet get it in on 6th and 7th out of frustration. You have such good discipline, you obviously are a great poker player.

  3. Take2Nutz

    The A23 hand…a couple things. If he did start with (A2or3,5,6)7 then you would be drawing dead to his 7784 board, but if he had (A4)7 then you would be a 40% underdog to his 7784 board. You would need him to make another pair, trips or hit a K,Q to win. Even tho you have a better 2 pair he would still be drawing to a 8,9,10 high board. He\’s not really drawing dead to your 2 pair because of your J. It looks like you need 18% equity to get it in (5600-final pot/1000-Chips behind). I think it\’s a little more likely that he has it than not. I think it\’s close to a shove but after reading Chris Moon\’s article on tEV, this could be a fold and run up those 2 Big Bets. I like these mix game vids, looking forward to some more. Cheers

  4. goleafsgoeh

    Hey guy’s thanks for the comments/input….In retrospect I know that at the time I checked 5th without properly thinking through my options as I was annoyed that I went pair, pair…I should prob bet 5th there or ck fold and save the bets…

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