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Great video guys.
On the 2nd hand I think I 3bet jam over the utg raise and utg+1 flat with the A10 (readless obv). I could see just folding as well. Would anybody say that jamming there is a leak?
I disagree with Daryl Jace’s comments on the A9o reshove hand. I mainly differ on the BB’s calling range after you isolate UTG. I think he is not folding as much as you said. I do not know if you had any specific reads on the player but a reasonable player would get it in with AT and not have a range as tight as 99+, AJ+. I think a reasonable player would get it in with at least 55+, A8s+, ATo+, KJs+, KQ. That said, it is certainly not a mistake to isolate with A9o even if he does not fold better. Flatting is an option, but I do not think it is the most optimal play considering BB has <14bb and may very well call with a very wide range after you flat. Shoving is definitely best and A9o is certainly near the top of that range.
I decided to run the hand through nash calculator just to give the hand some perspective. The equilibrium shoving ranges are:
UTG: 51.1%, 22+ Ax+ K2s+ K3o+ Q2s+ Q7o+ J4s+ J8o+ T6s+ T8o+ 96s+ 98o 86s+ 76s 65s
BB Reshove: 26.4%, 22+ A2s+ A3o+ K8s+ K9o+ QTs+ QJo JTs
SB Overcall: 39.1%, 22+ Ax+ K2s+ K7o+ Q5s+ Q9o+ J7s+ J9o+ T7s+ 97s+ 87s 76s
UTG may or may not be shoving as wide as ~50%, but skewing from that range should barely tighten our reshove range because of how short he is. I do not think most players would overcall in the small blind with as wide of a range as ~40% so it may be more profitable to reshove with even wider than 26.4%.
+1 to A10o never folding in the last hand of the video. given how short UTG is most people would almost call a range closer to what they call BVB with (although tightened somewhat but no way near their UTG calling range etc)
this is such an awesome series. am so excited to watch the rest.
both of you discussed the merits of checking back top pair on dry flops (i know neither of you recommended it in the hands reviewed as the benefits of betting outweighed it) but it got me wondering as to what our perceived range is when we check back and Axx dry or wet board, i feel like it removes all of the air from our range v anyone vaguely competent. does the fact that we rep weak sdv outweigh this removal of air in general? or does that mean we can check back air to raise some turns etc, or delay cbet some of our air aswell?
pretty high risk for not a ton of reward. i might add like 35-45% to my stack if it ever goes thru but i dont have a lot of fold equity and i still have the rest of the table left to act behind me.
the nash calculator is a great tool for this spot. love the initiative and the analysis (and that i did the right thing)
i think our perceived range against an average player becomes pocket pairs beneath Ax that have some showdown value but dont want to be called by better. better players may pick up that we check back Aces when we should be cbetting that board all the time.
delayed cbetting happens all the time and i think if we’re doing that more often we need to be checking back Ax sometimes too to balance the ranges. again, this becomes incredibly dependent on our perception of villain and how we believed we are perceived by others.
Thanks for the feedback. I’m looking forward to the rest of the series.
Did I say 99+ AJ+? Ya thats way too tight . I think we are/were in agreement tho that we should be jamming A9o .
Dont think we rep much if we raise turn after checking flop . As for your other questions I think its too opponent dependent and we need a lot more detail regarding the hand
“$33 Donk-minefields” – LOVE IT.
This is exactly the type of video TPE has been missing for me. I , like many other members I guess, play low stakes fields just like this and the majority of the time are dealing with fish and donks, not regs. Whilst this sounds perfect its actually hard to navigate and adapt to.
More hand history reviews and deep analysis just like this please – of $10 – $50 tournaments. Don’t get me wrong I love watching someone take down and 100 RB but thats just out of my bankroll and means the fields (to start with at least) are much softer.
2nd hand darryl said he would flat with AQ and 23 bbs. what?? that s crazy!
couldnt believe what im hearing. that must be worst possible play in that spot with AQ!