MTT Pro Blackfours Hand History Review with BourbonFTW (Part 4)
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One Response to “MTT Pro Blackfours Hand History Review with BourbonFTW (Part 4)”

  1. mesoanarchy

    A different take on the 87s vs. AQo of WotRTheChances, hand: the flop comes 8 4 3, pretty much a dream flop for blackfours. Since WotR is tight but not necessarily a tricky player, a flop bet by blackfours might get as fold. However, since WotR does have a good hand he might float. The turn comes 3. I would think another barrel, say a value two-thirds pot bet here gets a fold, which is really what you want, since you really don’t want to see river paint. and since WotR is tight and has seen blackfours call shoves with Ax hands, there’s a good chance he’ll think that at least A3, A8, K8, T8s-type hands are easily in blackfours’s range. and with WotR being tight, he probably doesn’t want to chance tossing in even more chips to chase what amounts to – in his head – a 5-outer (2 Aces and 3 Queens).

    Any thoughts about this line, rather than the check-call, check, check-fold line that took place?

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