Stop & Go: AK in Position Part 1
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5 Responses to “Stop & Go: AK in Position Part 1”

  1. Gunz4Hire

    hi, i noticed for some time now that in the tab of your internet when you guys post stop and go’s its an title of an old video. i thought i mention it, great vid thanks

  2. JoeLuht

    Would you consider folding pre if you think his range is jj+ and ak? Or do you think he will make enough mistakes post that is it profitable?

    • MJ23STYLEz

      def never folding pre..I’m confident enough in my post flop skills to figure out quickly where i stand in the hand, especially since i have position

  3. Radriguez

    Like the style, man. Although on river I have been leaning towards the bigger bet. Thoughts? I’m hoping I get enough calls to make up for all the folds, to break even with the smaller bet sizing. And I don’t show my hand, which drives players nuts, especially live.

    • MJ23STYLEz

      well i just think he’s going to fold way to often when i bet anything even close to my turn bet size…gotta keep in mind i flatted his cold 4 bet pre so what does he think i have?? and now betting twice on turn an river (esp on a river where the board texture didn’t change)…not only is he scared of the Ace but I also could have any of those sets, two pair combos, or even KQ suited for broadway. One pair of Kings can’t beat much so you have to give them an insanely good price to call otherwise he’s folding. I’d rather 900 more chips than zero.

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