6 Responses to “Sunday Second Chance History Review with DannyN13 (Part 3)”

  1. michaeldi11on

    Around 10-11mins, i do prefer just flatting KK pre here. Your priced in versus so many stacks to your left that your not likely 3betting light.

  2. michaeldi11on

    On 15.18, whats the purpose of “betting to commit 6k”? Would it not be much more likely that villain will make a mistake if you bet like 3888 and at least let him consider that he might have fold equity if jams Ax, Kx sort of hands that your a big favourite against?

    I think i prefer a small bet here. It allows you to represent air that may fold

  3. DannyN13

    It’s basically just lower variance imo. Might get him to fold bottom pair or some kind of gutter. I get your point though as I am a big fan of value. Sometimes I do opt for lower variance though.

  4. peggyhill37

    3:30 AM on a wednesday, danny? Go to bed! lol, great run looking forward to the rest. Shame this tourney doesn’t run anymore.

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