WPT Maryland Live Main Event with Andrew Brokos (Part 4)
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2 Responses to “WPT Maryland Live Main Event with Andrew Brokos (Part 4)”

    • Foucault

      Most likely yes. There’s no hand that can really 4-bet and fold to a shove, which means that any 4-bet functionally is a shove. I think what you’re getting at is that some people are more likely to have very strong hands when they choose to make a smaller 4-bet. That’s true, and it’s fine to act on that if you have good reason to believe that that’s how a particular person plays. It’s important to recognize that that’s just a read you’re exploiting though – there’s no math/theory based reason why the small 4-bet should be any stronger than a shove. That means there’s always the risk that, in trying to exploit this, you’ll end up getting exploited yourself. Like, maybe your opponent expects you to see the shove as weaker, and so he shoves AA and small 4-bets AK.

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