2 Responses to “Arvydas “Merfinis” Merfeldas Hot $33 Turbo Hand History Review (Part 1)”

  1. FallsviewPro

    8:28 hand: 86d on 9s 2s 5d Qd 2c. How about a massive river check raise, representing the deuce ? Occasionally a player will have the deuce, but no one ever reps the deuce, try it one time!

    • Merfinis

      Hey thanks for the question. I guess the problem I see with that play is that I don’t really call flop bet with many [if any] deuces at all, If we have a hand like A2/K2 being oop its really hard to play with that. Most of the times on that board texture we will be facing multiple barrels, so I would be electing to give up my 2x hands on the flop, maybe defend some of the 2d xd type hands.

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