
Posted by & filed under Articles, BlogPost.

While it isn’t the most interesting subject matter I could choose to write about, the fact that I so dearly wish I would write more and fail to do so doesn’t bode well with me. If I had to guess, I would say that it crosses my mind one to three times a day (at least since January). One of the reasons, and something I have realized about myself lately, is that one of the underlying causes of my chronic procrastination is perfectionism.


Since my poker mind has developed over the years, it seems that I’ve found a way to relate poker to many different aspects of life and visa-versa. Most of these ideas are logged into my notepad/phone while on a 5-20 hour drive and haven’t quite manifested themselves into blog form because of the daunting nature of writing a Galfond-esque type post requires a good amount of effort. Thus, my ideas stay trapped in my head until I can figure out some life hack type way to squeeze them out. I would like to think this isn’t true, but one of the reasons why I am writing this right now is I gave one of my friends a freeroll saying that if I didn’t have two blogs written by the end of the month I would give him $1,000. So here I am, almost five months into the year, finally getting a blog written.



“The things you own, end up owning you. It’s only after you lose everything that you are free to do anything”


– Chuck Palahniuk



Something that I’ve dabbled on in previous blogs (I think) is my realizing how little I (we?) need to function to sustain happiness in life. In my last post, or the one before that, I mentioned that I put everything in storage upon moving out and leaving for Vegas last WSOP.  About one year later, everything is still in storage, and I’ve recently contemplated getting rid of it all. I have my computer, some clothes, violin,  a few books, and I feel that is enough for me to get by with. It would be something on a tragedy not to travel more freely than I have been given my situation. Since my last entry, I’ve been to Florida twice, Louisiana, and Oklahoma for poker, but mostly at my girlfriends or parents for everything in between. I do feel that I’ve transitioned well into being a hybrid player, but overall I do prefer online over live. The more I think about it, I foresee a move to somewhere overseas in the not to distant future. Still having my belongings in storage is weighing me down a bit.


One of the most recent changes that has happened is I am now an instructor for Tournament Poker Edge. This has been in the works since November but due to procrastination on both ends, my videos weren’t released until fairly recently. I’m happy to say that my first series has been well received so far and that you can expect far better content from me in the upcoming videos. While watching hand-history reviews proves quite helpful, I think there are much better ways to learn and develop one’s thinking about the game. It’s going to require a more effort on my end from a production stand point, but I’m excited about the implications of it. Until then, I’ll be an active participant in the forums for strategy related questions.


I’m purposely keeping this post light to save some ammo for the next one. Given I’ll be writing another blog in a few days and I’ve written 6 posts within the last year, I would hate to run out of content. I tentatively plan to include a little more personal details rather than a vague update. I have started a private forum for my students, close friends, and I to study and keep each other motivated. I used to keep this blog for the purpose of posting goals so it would be a fun throwback to do so for a while (and maybe i’ll continue to do so).


So here we are –


March has been decent. I feel a certain amount of focus within myself and the group as a whole in regards dedication to playing our best on and off the table. I’ve immersed myself online quite a bit more in a way that I haven’t done in a long while and certainly like certain areas of my game that are developing. I haven’t been good with my routine as of late which I aim to nail down this month, especially before the Philly WSOPC stop coming around the middle of this month.


Goals and things to improve for this month are the following.


Meditate 2x/day 10 minutes morning and 10 minutes at night


Exercise 4x/week

– Still figuring out what I want to do with this. There is a strength and flexibility class close by that is based off of yoga that I am contemplating going to. Plus, may be good to be around more humans irl on a semi regular basis. Mostly, I’ve just done exercise at home that consists of running, pushups, planks. There is a small, but free gym in the apartment complex that I’m in that I have yet to make use of that much. I may decide to use that as well.


Eat healthy – I’ve been doing fairly well in this department as of late. No worries here


Do my  taxes


Move computer do desk area, go to storage facility and get my office chair

– Computer has been on kitchen table for 8 months or so. I’ve also been on an absurdly bleh chair that isn’t conducive for long hours. I’m sure changing these two would increase my RIO indefinitely.


Massage 3x this month, therapist 2x, sensory deprivation tank 1x

– Sometimes I procrastinate on getting massages even though I know they are way good for me.

– Have been experiencing heightened anxiety as of late which i’d like to go over some things with my therapist

– SDT is like meditation 10x so that is self explanatory.


Read 30 minutes a day.

– I started reading “Pale Blue Dot” by Carl Sagan during March which I think I should be able to finish up by the end of April. Ideally, reading less than 1 book/month is bad/lazy to me. I think this specific book, as the video I have shared with you all at some point, has a calming affect on me. Saying that it gives one a greater perspective on the grand scheme of things is an understatement.


I picked up “The Mental Game of Baseball” the other day at B&N. I just so happen to see it sitting on display and started thumbing through it. At a glance, I must say that it contains many of the same concepts found in mental game poker material + a bit more. Also, I think pondering the intricacies of one game to another really highlights the importance of the mental game aspect of poker. Even though I don’t like sports, it has been a very enjoyable read and I believe it’l help me a lot with my mental game.


Blog 2x this month.

-This is something I’ve seriously been slacking on that I aim to change this month.


Finish series for tournament poker edge and get it sent in.


Play 500 mtts online


Maintain stable

-Involves coaching, completing hh reviews, staying on top of accounting/forums.


Watch 7 videos – Likely will be all James Obst, Fedor Holz, and Andrew Brokos


Study with peers more. Part of why I love coaching and staking is that it makes me fierce about maintaining my own game. However, I think I have seriously been lacking in the area of studying with a few peers of mine that I know would be down to for sure.


Keep a to do list – I think this is pretty vital in giving my day structure. This is one of the things that I know is key to productivity and i have yet to do at all this year. I have a journal that I bought for this earlier this year and have not written in it yet. This will change.


Bed at 2am, up and 9am

– Not sure if this is remotely possible for me, but it seems somewhat doable. Seems like it is fairly optimal in regards to getting non poker playing items completed. My normal is bed at 5am and up at noon, but I feel that many of the last few hours in the day are somewhat wasted.


Accounting – I’m going to try and keep track of every dollar I spend and make this month. This is probably something a lot people either have automated for them or do on a regular basis. I know us poker players are very bad at this. Personally, I have not done anything of this sort in years, nor do I even know how much I’m up per month or per session. I think there are pro’s and cons to this, but it’l definitely be an interesting exercise for me to do this month.


Watched “Jiro Dreams of Sushi” a while back and was reminded of his dedication via a tweet today. Fantastic quote to keep in mind for this month.


“Once you decide on your occupation,” says Jiro, “you must immerse yourself in your work. You have to fall in love with your work. Never complain about your job. You must dedicate your life to mastering your skill. That’s the secret of success and is the key to being regarded honorably.”


I’ll have a follow up on these goals before the 1st of next month.


As always. thanks for stopping by



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