Wow. Hard to believe it has been almost exactly 4 years since we launched Tournament Poker Edge. It seems not so long ago that RonFezBuddy and I were working tirelessly to chase this weird idea we had about launching an MTT focused training community. We put in so many absurd hours (not to mention a fair bit of money) without honestly even knowing if we would get one member.
It’s really hard to put in to words how much the whole experience has meant to me. I had recently left the music industry, a business for which I once had an immense amount of passion, and really was not sure I’d ever be able to find another “career” that I loved as much. The idea that Tournament Poker Edge could maybe fill that void had probably not even dawned on me when we first started kicking around the idea. But within the first month I’m pretty sure I knew that the “TPE Nation” was my new family.
So here we are, four years later. A lot has changed. We’ve survived a lot of dark days (Black Friday anyone?) and the task of keeping the “community feel” while the site has continued to grow has been both challenging and incredibly rewarding. I’ve realized that we cannot be all things to all people, but what we can do is be true to the original vision of the company, continue to have as much fun as possible, provide the best content we can and hope that all of you enjoy the ride with us.
The best part of this journey has been all of the amazing people I’ve had the opportunity to meet. I often think about all the interesting people I would have never met if we had not stumbled down this path. Some of my best friendships have grown out of TPE, and I hope that in the future I get to meet a lot more of you!
As we move in to our fifth year, I ask that you guys continue to challenge us every day to bring you more great content, exciting new site developments and more and more great pros to learn from. We like to think that “our doors are always open”. We do our best to read every email, every PM and every forum post. I’m not saying we can do everything, but I assure you we will do everything we can to make TPE bigger, better, faster and stronger over the NEXT four years!
If you guys have any questions about the history of TPE, plans for the future or anything else along those lines, feel free to post them in the comments and I’ll be happy to answer as best as I can.
Cheers partner! I should dig up and share the business plans. What’s funny is many of the original ideas we had turned into businesses that other people invented.
Been a great 4 years. Looking forward to 40 more!
Well I wasn’t here for the beginning years but glad to be apart of such a great team of people. TPE nation you guys are awesome!! and pretty good at the pokers too :p
**as I tap my iPhone screen with this Bud Light..SALUDE to the next 4 years everyone!!!
Just wanted to say that I enjoy the site, I don’t post much, mainly because I don’t get to play much (U.S.) , but I keep renewing my subscription because I appreciate the effort you guys put in and I feel like I am getting my money’s worth eve though it’s hard for me to put it to use regularly. Keep it up.
thanks so much! Glad you enjoy the site!
Great work guys…love the site and the podcasts!