This week, Chris Moon continues his latest series and Andrew Brokos debuts hid first ever live sweat. Also, we get new Stop and Go vids from Andrew and Cory. The article this week is one I wrote on playing the bubble as a midstack.
WCOOP Live Sweat with Andrew Brokos
Andrew Brokos debuts his first ever live sweat this week. He plays several WCOOP tournaments and even a table of Zoom. He talks about how bounties in the KO tournaments affect his decisions. He also uses Sharkscope to get a read on nearly every player he faces.
TPE Member Hand History Review – Riar with Chris Moon
Chris Moon continues his member review of TPE member Riar’s hand history. In part 3, Riar has about 45bbs deep in the tourney and keeps up the aggression. He stack varies a good bit and he ends up with around 12 bigs heading into the final table. In part 4, the final table starts and Riar quickly doubles. He resumes playing balls to the wall and ends up with a big stack by the end of the video.
Stop and Go: Spotting Red Flags by Cory Waaland
Cory brings us a Stop & Go hand where he plays JTs from EP vs both blinds. The BB donks a paired board small, Cory raises, and the SB cold calls. This is a red flag that the SB is very strong.
Stop and Go: River Check-Raise by Andrew Brokos
Andrew Brokos brings us a Stop & Go hand where he plays 76o from the BB. He check calls down and decides to check raise the river as a bluff because villain’s range was very weak.
Surviving and Thriving as a Money Bubble Midstack
In the article this week, I talk about understanding bubble dynamics as a midstack. Generally, the big stack is supposed to be able to bully you according to ICM. Dont be a hero. Just let it happen.
Member Scores
DannyN13 took 3rd in the Second Chance on Stars for $23K
HawkeyeK9 shipped a 2K on Bovada for $400
tazzjazz took 9th in WSOP-C San Diego Event 3 for $3200
Marc Alioto shipped a 2.5K on Merge for $900
AlPike took 5th in a 5k on Stars for $350
If you would like your name to be included next week, please make sure you post your score, IN DETAIL, in either the sweat or BBV threads, or use the hashtag #TPEdge on Twitter! You can also tweet them to @HipHop101Trivia directly.
Take one down for the good guys!
Carlos Twitter: @HipHop101Trivia