This week, Ben Warrington wraps up his latest series and Chris Moon debuts a new one featuring TPE Member Riar. Also, we get new Stop and Go vids from Andrew and Matt Hunt. The article this week is my review of Chris Moorman’s poker book.
TPE Theory: Advanced MTT Strategy (Postflop) with Ben “KidCardiff6” Warrington
Ben Warrington concludes his postflop theory series this week. In part 5, he focuses on bluffing and floating. This is where the best players gain a reciprocity edge by winning pots that others would not. In part 6, he discusses multiway pots and river spots.
TPE Member Hand History Review – Riar Stars.it with Chris Moon
Chris Moon debuts a member review series featuring TPE member Riar. In part 1, Riar makes an ambitious steal and gets there before going on a tear to run up a big stack. In part 2, he continues to crush flops and get paid off due to his aggressive image.
Stop and Go: 3-Barrel Bluffing by Matthew Hunt
Matt brings us a Stop & Go hand where he plays 98s and flops an open ended straight draw from OOP. He decides to 3-barrel bluff it when he misses, but gets picked off by a villain with second pair.
Stop and Go: Top pair and Flush Draw by Andrew Brokos
Andrew Brokos brings us a Stop & Go hand where he plays A7s. He flops an A and the nut flush draw OOP. He plays it in a somewhat surprising way which allows him to get value from villain’s air.
Book Review: Moorman’s Book of Poker by Chris Moorman with Byron Jacobs
I reviewed Moorman’s poker book this week. I was surprised at the structure of the book. It read more like a hand history review he did for his student Byron Jacobs than a traditional poker book. However, his expert analysis still gave plenty of material to learn from.
Member Scores
Killingbird took 2nd in a Bovada 30K for $5000
Chris Moon took 6th in the Big 22 on Stars for $5200
DannyN13 took 5th in the 27 KO on Stars for $1500
Al29 shipped a 2K on Everest for $500
If you would like your name to be included next week, please make sure you post your score, IN DETAIL, in either the sweat or BBV threads, or use the hashtag #TPEdge on Twitter! You can also tweet them to @HipHop101Trivia directly.
Take one down for the good guys!
Carlos Twitter: @HipHop101Trivia