Hey everyone, another monster issue of the “whats” new – my computer died last week so I have reviewed all of the vids for the last two weeks. So much has happened in these two weeks too – another pro, WSOP bracelent winner Justin “looshle” Pechie has joined the TPE roster and kicks off his debut series with a Big 22 hand history review.
Podcast – TPE Member Hand Analysis with HurricaneJeff and aznAllin007 (113:40)
On this episode of the Tournament Poker Edge Podcast, HurricaneJeff and aznAllin007 join us to discuss some hands submitted by TPE members. Topics covered include c-betting, ranging opponents and bet sizing.
Article – Why Tournament Poker Edge? A Look At Real-Life Leaks
New pro Chris “MovesLikeDarvin” Moon talks about real life leaks in his basement as an analogy for how to go about studying your poker. Great read, and makes me look forward to his debut video series which shouldn’t be too far away.
TPE Theory: Expert Level Hand History Analysis

In part 5, Daryl goes over another hand where he has KTs and the flop comes down J85 with two spades. I like how in certain spots in the video he asks the user to pause and think about things – like why betting is better than checking in this spot for instance. Active learning rather than passive learning allows us to improve at a quicker rate, so having videos that encourage this is awesome.
Ben “KidCardiff6″ Warrington Euro Sites Live Sweat

Part 3 continues with Ben four tabling across the different euro sites. He talks about how sometimes taking a weird line can be good against another reg because it can be used to induce. There is a really tough hand where ben has QQ with the Qc on a 4276 with 3 clubs board, and is faced with a committing bet on the turn. Later on there is a good spot where Ben has AJ on a KJx two clubs board and is facing an overjam, and he goes over the differences between the common ranges on pokerstars compared with these euro sites and how that can possibly sway your decision against an unknown. He continues the theme of making disciplined folds, which can really allow you to go deeper into more tournaments. In part 5 Ben is starting to get near the bubble of a few tournaments, and a few more turbos also are getting started.
Justin “looshle” Pechie Premier Series – Big 22 Hand History Review

As I mentioned earlier, there is a new TPE pro, and his debut series is a hand history review of his Big 22 deep run. It starts off in the early stages, and he goes through the differences in his bet sizing in these early stages. As the review is of a tourney that was a little while ago, I like how Justin goes through his mistakes and what he would do differently now. There is an interesting hand where Justin has the Ah on a 4 heart board and he talks about how to get max value out of it. In part 2 there is an interesting spot where Justin turns second pair and discusses how to gat value, and the pros and cons of betting turn or river or both.
Bigdogpckt5′s Sunday Session Early Stages Live Sweat

The big dog is back, and it is time for a Sunday session. As he is recording he is playing a reduced schedule, but the first two tourneys he loads up are the Sunday Warmup and the 109r. His strategy in rebuys is different to a lot of people so it is interesting to see the contrasting styles. After a few rebuys it allows him to build a huge stack, but unfortunately he can’t get much going in the warmup.
“dapbowler” posts an interesting spot in a $11r from Broadway Tables
“hawkeyeK9” asks about getting value postflop after turning the nut flush
“shortstackjack” has a more theoretical strategy question, and that is about late registration in tournaments.
“usedstars” has come up with an awesome idea for fun, and that is to hold a poll for TPE’s greatest movie of all time. Basically he is using the IMDB top 250 list, as well as 6 wildcard entrants, and has them in a tournament bracket format where you vote on each one. Check out the off topic forum regularly as every thread only stays open for a couple of days. And get your votes in!
Member Scores
Plenty of member scores over the past couple of weeks, with the major one being a MASSIVE achievement – “daveyt86” managed to final table WCOOP Event 2, finishing 9th for 14.8k! Awesome effort! There is no shortage of huge scores this week though, “DivineGlory” finished third in the Lock Sunday Major for 10k! Whilst nowhere near up to this standard, I managed to ship a tidy $2800 for shipping a $33 500 cap 6max on stars. P-aire 146 shipped a 2.5gtd deepstack that also included Marc Alioto, and “boardshorts1”, “Jeremy”, “pickupstixx”, “jdx301”, “julius187”, “turbulence” also had nice weeks at the tables.
If you would like your name to be included, make sure you post in either the sweat or BBV threads.
See you at the tables!
Twitter: @benny_macca
Thanks for the shout out. Look for the video series to be released perhaps as early as next week