This week Chris Moon and Ben Warrington both continue their member HH reviews, which are both providing some interesting spots. Also the newest podcast on the block, The Chirp Herm Show, releases another episode, the forums have been pretty active, and members are shipping scores all over the show. Life is good! Also happy thanksgiving for the USA members!
This week’s guest is Ryan Eriquezzo who discusses his battle with substance abuse as well as his chequered relationship with Amanda, fellow poker pro and live guru and also the guest from episode two. It’s interesting hearing the other side of the story and the real effects of substance abuse. They discuss their recoveries from substance problems and Ryan talks about how life balance is important to his recovery and ongoing rehabilitation.
Ben “KidCardiff6″ Warrington WCOOP Hand History Review for TPE Member daveyt86

Ben Warrington continues his review with particular focus on preflop spots. He continues expanding on how our perception of an opponent means that their range changes, and talks about how for regs cbetting polarises their range to air and a value range whilst checking can be for pot control or to induce. He then discusses how we can adjust to this and how its important to keep a less predictable hand range with our actions in order to make us more difficult to play against when battling regs. He compares this to unknowns who will likely just check/fold the vast majority of their checking range. Ben makes some really good inferences on our perceived range and how it makes plays more or less likely to be effective. Ben wants to focus on how 3bet ranges change depending on stack depth and how we adjust to this. Late in part 3 we take a 4bet shove spot with A8o and get snapped by Aces, however the run good continues and we outdraw him. From part 4 onwards we go through each individual hand rather than just the key ones. This allows Ben to analyse the table, which is really interesting. He talks about how any history or recent hands change our image and how profitably we can take different lines. Another important note to make is how Ben constantly evaluates the 3betting or flatting ranges based on previous actions, eg how someone that flats AJ/AQ is going to have a far more polarised 3betting range and are unlikely to be 3bet/calling a wide value range. Ben also mentions that he is currently taking on new students for coaching for anyone who is interested.
TPE Member Duggs Hand History Review
Chris Moon continues his review of my Sunday Warm Up hand history. He makes some good points on bet sizing, sizing our bet size to maximise our value from our opponents range. He also gives me some valid criticism on flatting too wide and opening too wide against opponents that are going to outplay me postflop. At the end of part 2, Chris finds a tough spot in a 3bet pot with KK on a A34 board and intends to get some discussion going. In part 3 he also identifies some tendencies of mine that are exploitable by our opponents. Part 3 also contains a ton of awkward spots so Chris often goes through the pro’s and con’s of each line and often ranks them in preference. He also makes some really valid observations about how on some turns I was continuing with a really unbalanced range, and the consequences of that. He observes that we need to make adjustments according to the table dynamics, our image and our stack size. Specifically on the table we were playing on where we were prone to being flatted by competent opponents in position with a playable range, we should be trimming our optimistic opens in order to prevent bleeding chips in awkward spots where our opponents are going to make far less mistakes than us. Overall I think this is a really well prepared and thought out series by Chris despite me butchering a bunch of the hands
The forums had a bunch of interesting threads this week.
LordScanner finds himself in a tough spot with KQ in a 3bet pot at the end of day 1 in a live tournament.
I get donk lead into in 3 streets with TPGK on a dry board.
Doctor Orange wants some input into the best live v an extremely loose passive villain when he has AA.
marloski discusses a light 3bet spot in a live tournament which gathered some interesting feedback and some live type casting.
I posted a line and would be interested in some more responses as to my perceived range, a few members have already posted pretty extensive responses.
The greatest movie of all time is nearing its conclusion and everything left now seems to be a title contender, we are down to the “Elite 8”.
terbet11 asks what your favourite and most beneficial video series is.
Bennymacca and myself made a video reviewing fellow member Badabing’s hand history from the Sunday major.
Member Scores
Moizt’s shipped $35 1r for $6.7k on 888. Dead7s came 2nd in a lock 2k. Badabing cracked two final tables on Full Tilt. Turbulence made his weekly final table, this time on tilt in the $5 daily double. Scott610 managed dual final tables! KB did his thing in a lock 2k and Bennymacca final tabled the typhoon for the 2nd week running on 888. DannyN13 took down 8k and also final tabled the Canada Cup II, to be played live in the Bahamas. Generally impressive shippage all round imo!
If you would like your name to be included, make sure you post in either the sweat or BBV threads, or use the hashtag #TPEdge on Twitter! (I’m a twitter noob so apologies if I missed anyone.)
See you at the tables!
Crush it guys!
Twitter: @dothedugg