Note from TPE: This week we pass the torch of the weekly what's new article from bennymacca to duggs. First, we'd like to thank benny for doing this week in and week out. He did a great job putting together a summary of the best of TPE for the week. He's a huge part of the community and will still be around, but he's got some pesky master thesis to take care of. Thanks for everything bud!
And we'd like to introduce duggs as the new author of the What's New article. He's one of the most profilic posters in the forum and on video comments. Thanks for taking on the role duggs and we look forward to your work! Onto his first article…
Hey guys this week we have a ton of new material. Ben Warrington brings us the start of an epic 7 part series of a member’s HH from WCOOP and Chris Moon reviews one of my tournaments. TPE brings out a new podcast, this time getting WSOP October 9 member Rob Salabaru joining them to talk over some hands from the WSOP Main Event final table
This week brings another episode of the TPE strategy podcast. KB and RFB are joined by Rob Salabaru to discuss some hands from the Main event Final Table. They also talk about his preparation leading up to the event and adjustments he made, as well as his general mindset and outlook on poker.
On the latest Chip Herm show he gets paulgees81 on for some great banter. They talk about his deep run in the WSOP main event and a lot of general poker talk and stories.
Bigdogpckt5′s Sunday Million Deep Run Live Sweat
Big dog finishes his pre bubble stage series. In part 3 we return with about 300 places till the money in the Sunday mill. Big dog picks some raise/4bet jam and identifies reasons why opponents are more or less likely to be light in 3bet spots.

Ben Warrington is back this time with a HH review for member Daveyt86 in a WCOOP event. Ben talks about early stage play and makes some contrasts between normal 100bb tournaments and the 200-250bb starting stack these events have. He then goes through how to identify the stronger and weaker players at the table. He also makes some good observations on how different limping/raising and checking/cbetting ranges are interrelated and affect each other. Ben makes some interesting generalisations about regs opening ranges as the tournament progresses. In the 2nd part Ben finds some 3bet spots and discusses how to proceed in different scenarios and also points out that turning a hand into a bluff after flatting preflop can increase the profitability of flatting. He also talks about how ranges change in multiway pots according to position.
TPE Member Duggs Hand History Review
Chris Moon returns from his very successful metagame adjustment series, this time with a review of one of my (duggs) hand histories. He starts out with an overview of using Sharkscope and adjustments based on that, identifies the strong and weak players at my table and discusses how we want to avoid pots vs the strong players and go after the weaker ones (I get involved in a few stupid spots v the sickos at the table). He also points out how we should also play a tighter range at tougher tables as a few unnecessary opens cause some uncomfortable post flop spots.
For those of you that don’t know, two of our newer pros in Chris Moon and Hurricane Jeff have been posting blogs in the blog section. So far Chris’s have covered his commute across the Canadian border to grind the bigger poker sites, while Jeff’s “Above The Mean” ranges pretty drastically in topics, from politics to sport to poker and a lot in between. KB also occasionally makes blog posts with one of his latest being about how cool it is that TPE got a patch at the WSOP final table. His other posts include one about his other great love that is beer.
Theginger45 makes an interesting post regarding the October 25th podcast. If you have listened to the podcast then I think this is definitely worth a read as he makes some interesting points.
m@ddm@n finds a really odd ICM spot where he is 2nd in chips and the chip leader open heaves 30bb eff.
usedstar has been keeping up the movie battles and we are down to the final 16, thankfully my favourites are still in.
Member Scores
Bennymacca final tabled the Adelaide poker champs and ended up coming 3rd for a cool 10.4k. That was on the back of final tabling the monsoon on 888 earlier in the week, sick run mate! Kek442 takes 2nd in a $15r for $925 and Turbulence managed a dual final table on Tilt in the $20r and $10 midnight madness! m@ddm@n managed a final table on tilt as well in a $10 freeze out. Rowley8 took 2nd in a $2.2 5k to round out an impressive week for TPE all round.
If you would like your name to be included, make sure you post in either the sweat or BBV threads, or use the hashtag #TPEdge on Twitter!
See you at the tables!
Crush it guys!
Twitter: @dothedugg
Id do the dugg. 😉
Great first write up mate!
I plan to participate more and get a score for this article next week. I’m starting to really like this site.
Can’t help but read this in a sexy Kiwi accent..